Off-Shore Development

In today’s business world of shrinking staffs and budgets, IT management is often about strategically allocating limited resources and improving efficiency so that you can do more with less. Today, as interest in offshore services runs high, Our Offshore Development Model have proven the effectiveness at the IT organizations and also identified how to implement them on the complex software solutions.

Large multi-national companies deliver solutions using offshore centers to cut their costs by more than 50% and at the same time reduce their delivery cycle and increase the quality of their products. However, many enterprises, especially the small to medium sized ones, are being left behind without the benefits that arise from leveraging upon off-shore solutions delivery.

QFS focuses on helping these small and medium sized companies maximize the benefit they can get from offshore solutions delivery, while at the same time minimizing the risks and investments associated with it. We make it very easy for you to benefit from offshore solutions delivery through our Customer Friendly Engagement process.

Services we provide

  1. Website Design/ Logo Design/ Web Development/ Programming etc
  2. Application Design, Development and Support.
  3. Product Development
  4. API Development
  5. Mobile Development
  6. etc