AboutWe strengthen organizations
Our most valuable assets and biggest strength of the Company – Our highly qualified and innovative employeesAbout Us
Why Choose UsEveryone knows that It's very difficult to find a company that understands Client's business and really help to fix it. We are one among the companies, who help you to fix things and give a ready-to-use solutions.
Our Team
“Our most valuable assets and biggest strength of the Company – Our highly qualified and innovative employees.” Our core team provide constant innovation and implementation and some of our employees are involved from the very beginning, challenging the complicated challenges and making life easier for our clients. It brings the instant confidence to our clients as they feel tremendous peace of mind being with the right people.
The success Mantra for this cost effective solutions is "OutSourcing"
Highly Innovative and Creative Minds
The best one word, which can describe us, is “Unique”. Our team has a passion for innovation and our creativity brings a lot of value to our clients and make the atmosphere always pleasant. Our practical innovative approaches delight our clients as bringing savings to them in terms of time & revenue. We do high collaboration, utilize the latest technology to the full and think the solution for the specific problem rather than fitting the existing solutions to the problem. One of the underlying reasons of the existence of QFS as an entity is the creative expression of our founders and core team to this beautiful planet.
Value of Relationship - Key Ingredient for Success
We value relationship more than anything else. Biggest testimony of this is almost 100% customer retention rate. Whoever has done business with us has become part of our extended family and has not gone away. We are highly relationship oriented, responsive, and communicative, having that “human” element which connects us with others sharing the mutual trust and respect. Relationships in our view point get better as they age and something to cherish and feel proud of, whenever you look back in the ongoing continuous forward journey.
Formula for Success: Under Promise and over Deliver
This guiding principle always made us strive for betterment and exceeding the client expectations to the level of pleasant surprises for them. We make a point to make that “incremental” difference, which really matters and which shows up making us distinct and different than others. We believe that our actions speak the loudest and our modest initial promises always unfailing end up in extraordinary deliveries.
Improving performance - Lowering Costs
You would quickly find that one visible outcome of doing business with us is Low TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP (TCO). What is the point of having a service which is unaffordable, and the value for money you get through us for the kind of high quality you get, makes us unbeatable in price competition. The integrity, fiscal discipline, cutting down the overheads and passing these savings to our clients creates an ideal win-win scenario.